I have a sneaky suspicion that the reason we have no video capture on the iPhone yet is because Apple are working on iLife 09 for Mobile OSX. iMovie for iPhone? Could happen.
For me, the big change from iMovie HD to iMovie 08 was a sign of things to come, it is much more geared towards quick on-the-fly editing and via less precise controls. Just a thought.
]]>What ‘daily paper’ app do you use, or is it via the Web browser?
]]>I hate to admit it but the iPhone has stopped me switching on my laptop most nights, mainly for chat (palringo) and a few other apps!
]]>I’m a MyRail Lite user and like you describe with Trains, my daily train commute has become a better experience through a couple of dabs of the iPhone screen, a few seconds of screen-loading and then a full breakdown of FGW’s abject failure to run a train on time.
Facebook is another example (to my shame). I never really used it when it was on my laptop but now, with it on my phone I’m able to gain instant access to all my friends activities. Thankfully I’m spared the finer points of Facebook’s pokes, snowball throwing and other such activities but it’s good to see the status updates, chat and upload/see photos.
NetNewsWire, BeejiveIM, MobileFiles (for access to my iDisk), Maps (with Google search – brilliant), TV Plus (as you mention), eBay, iBlogger, ShoZu (although I had that on my N95, it has become a better app on the iPhone) and Pro Football (for keeping up with the Eagles – good win over the Giants last Sunday!) have all become essential tools in my daily hook up to the internet. I even get my daily paper on my iPhone now (and for considerably less than the conventional paper version.
Thank goodness for unlimited data. But wasn’t it said, a while back and possibly by SL on AAS, that once the network providers woke up to the idea of unlimited data, the mobile platform would take off?