• antonioj

    Felaur PDF is way better than this crap

  • adrian

    ok… I’ll try and be a little subtler than antonioj and point you in the direction of either MobileStudio or Air Sharing, both can read PDFs and host of other file types, though Air Sharing is somewhat easier to use it can be somewhat sluggish at times, on the other hand MobileStudio never gets sluggish it stops outright:P. From a browsing point of view Air Sharing is better for text files and MobileStudio for images, in my opinion anyway.

  • ares

    adrian i am talking about advanced apps that can read pdfs…AFAIK Air Sharing reads pdfs like the mail app no?

    Felaur PDF deserves every cent you pay for it, because its stable, and has the extra advanced controls needed to properly read a pdf on such a small device

  • Andy Cook

    Thanks for the suggestion Adrian. I actually already have Air Sharing (grabbed it when it was free some time ago) but didn’t mention it as it isn’t specifically (or exclusively) a PDF viewer. Not heard of MobileStudio though.

  • adrian

    personally I’ve never read a pdf with themail app so I can’t really be sure what you mean ares.
    air sharing can read a pdf so that’s enough for me.
    My previous post was based on a rather preliminary usage of mobilestudio and after two days it has gotten better, it’s only crashed once and that was when i was making a zip and trying to read something. I also forgot to mention that mobilestudio allows you to edit text files (but not PDFs), images and audio files (though the latter two editors are rather simplistic).
    Anyway looking forward to your next review.

  • http://www.mBrainSoftware.com Sander van der Wal

    Hi Andy

    Thanks for reviewing my app. The problem you mention about not all the links working is a problem with the links themselves, as they point to the wrong page in the document. The manual on the website had that fixed.

    I will look into the other issues you have mentioned, and take into account the idea about the extra features you are looking for in Pdf+.

    Sander van der Wal
    mBrain Software

  • Andy Cook

    Hi Sander,

    Good to hear from a Developer, especially one who’s working to improve his app.

    I hope you felt my review was fair and accurate – if not, feel free to correct me.
