App Reviews: SPB Brain Evolution, iDroidsMania, Copy Share
The main focus of this site is (hopefully) informed commentary, and news we’ve unearthed ourselves. We also like to provide you with in-depth reviews. But, being a mostly volunteer-run site, there’s not enough time to review everything that comes through the door, and personally I have quite a backlog of apps to look at.
So in a series of posts, I’m going to have a quick look at apps that I’ve promised developers I’ll review – ones that I’m reviewing because I thought they are interesting, and either highlighted how powerful the iPhone platform is, or just made me smile.
I’ve already looked at Pixi, Orbital and CalenGoo, and now we have SPB Brain Evolution, iDroidsMania, and Copy Share.

Getting an iPad? Get iPad Creative
It’s iPad launch week. Excited yet? Well, whether you’re of the mind that Apple is about to change computing forever, or just sell an oversized iPod touch, it’s certainly going to be an interesting ride. iPhone apps are going to morph into desktop-style apps, and some desktop apps are going to attempt to re-imagine themselves as iPad apps. Yet as excited as I am, the amount of iPad coverage on All About iPhone is going to depend on whether I end up buying one!
But there are plenty of websites out there to satiate your iPad curiosity. And if you’ve enjoyed James Burland’s articles on this website, then I’m sure you’d like to read his new website dedicated to the Apple tablet, iPad Creative.

It’s in pre-launch beta at the moment, but he already has quite a few articles posted, including a great one exploring which graphics processor the iPad is running, and the impact that is likely to have on its gaming capabilities.
iPad Creative is currently running a series over the next few days entitled, “5 Apps We Cannot Wait To See On The iPad”. If really you can’t wait at all, then you should also check out these 60 leaked screenshots of iPad apps over at Boy Genius Report.
Good luck with the new site James!

App Reviews: Pixi, Orbital, CalenGoo
The main focus of this site is (hopefully) informed commentary, and news we’ve unearthed ourselves. We also like to provide you with in-depth reviews. But, being a mostly volunteer-run site, there’s not enough time to review everything that comes through the door, and personally, I have quite a backlog of apps to look at.
So in a series of posts, I’m going to have a quick look at apps that I’ve promised developers I’ll review – ones that I’m reviewing because I thought they are interesting, and either highlighted how powerful the iPhone platform is, or just made me smile.
In this first round up of review apps, I’m looking at Pixi, Orbital and CalenGoo.

App Giveaway: iSaidWhat?!
I’ve been meaning to mention iSaidWhat?! for a while. It’s one of those apps that makes you marvel at what can achieved on your iPhone.
It’s really cleanly designed app from Tapparatus that allows you to record voices. There’s nothing new about voice recording on the iPhone, but iSaidWhat?! adds the ability to re-arrange those recordings to make… something new. You can record, then edit those recording into sections, and move them around into a snippet that’s more interesting (or incriminating!).

Perpetually Dissatisfied
Fed up with your phone? Miffed at your mobile? You’re not alone. But why do we expect our phones to do so much, and is it justified?
I’ve written a post for The Really Mobile Project, and for once, I only mention the iPhone a couple of times!
Read it here: http://thereallymobileproject.com/2010/03/feature-perpetually-dissatisfied-guest-post/