App Review: Refills
We all need a calendar in one form or another. Some prefer the comprehensive, do everything option such as Pocket Informant (a favourite of mine). Others prefer something less complex and ambitious such as the app I recently reviewed called [twitch] Agendus [twitch, twitch]. The less said about ‘the A word’, the better.
Now, though, there’s Refills to play with and it turns out to have a twist that I think has a lot of potential.
Tethering your iPad on the sly with TetherMe and iTether
Every couple of weeks, I’m out and about with my iPad and iPhone. Anyone here like mobile data? Thought so.
I have a wifi-only iPad, and I’m too cheap to pay for a MiFi*. Besides which, I’m already paying Vodafone for 1GB of Internet usage through my iPhone contract. But with both a jailbroken iPhone and a jailbroken iPad, I can keep the cost down by using two handy apps: TetherMe and iTether.
I’ve written up a little setup guide, plus my thoughts on how it works in practice.
And the CoPilot Live app giveaway winner is…
Thanks to everyone who entered the competition to win their choice from the CoPilot Live app range.
The lucky commenter picked out by my amazing randomising spreadsheet ™ is:
(drum roll)
Congratulations Craig. I’ll be in touch shortly to sort out your copy.
For everyone else, thanks again for entering. And don’t forget, there are two more copies to be won. I’ll be opening another giveaway this afternoon over on Twitter.
App Giveaway: CoPilot Live satnav
At the start of the year I reviewed CoPilot Live for UK and Ireland from ALK Technologies.
When I first started using the app I found it a little complex, but since then I’ve figured it all out and have come to rely on it for my navigation needs whilst driving. Plus the US version of the app – which I’ve just noticed is only £2.99 right now (bargain!) – seriously helped me get around while on holiday this summer
So I am very pleased to let you know that i have three copies of CoPilot Live available to give away!