What if… iPhone Video?
I had a dream on Friday night. Steve Jobs was giving the WWDC keynote address from a small fishing boat out in Weymouth bay. I can’t recall ever dreaming about a Steve Jobs keynote address before, so I guess this shows just how far my excitement levels been ramped up these last few days, with or without Steve Jobs’ presence. The reason for my excitement this time is because of one little rumour… the iPhone Video.
The importance of RAM and a hope for Monday
RAM – i.e. Random Access Memory, is all important. It’s the workspace which your phone’s OS runs in. And a critical parameter, in terms of what you can do with your smartphone, is how much RAM it has free. Free for you to do stuff. Like run a web browser, play a game, and so on.
Over and over again, in reviewing iPhone games for IPAL, I come across user reviews saying ‘Game is buggy, just crashes every time’. Now, no developer worth their salt would release a game that kept crashing. What’s happening is that the iPhone is physically running out of RAM. Starting with perhaps 40MB free, some of the fabulous 3D games need just about all of this and when the RAM runs out, the OS panics and shuts the game down. Result: one unhappy user. On my iPod Touch, with 60MB free most of the time (again, after the OS has loaded its bits and pieces up), I never, repeat never, hit RAM limits, incidentally.

App Review: Impress
I’m firmly of the belief that anyone has the ability to draw and paint. Far from being some mysterious, magical process that most seem to believe (and many Artists do nothing to refute), it’s a largely mechanical skill that anyone with a hand and an eye can learn. Actually, I’m pretty sure you don’t even need the hand.
Then again, it does require a little knowledge and practice – not a process everyone wants to go through. I’m the same with music. I’d love to be able to play a piano or guitar but I’m not interested enough to go through all that tedious ‘learning’ business. Impress aims to allow anyone to turn a photo into a painterly image with no artistic skill required.

CPW “announces” 32GB iPhone
It’s all over bar the shouting.
Although not exactly an official announcement, Carphone Warehouse has added black and white 32GB iPhones to its ordering system.
