App Review: Go Go Go! – GPXL’s Guide to F1™ 2009
I’ve never been a sports fan. To my mind, they’re like games shows on TV – you’ll see the same thing each time except that sometimes they win at the end and sometimes they lose. Why would you ever watch it twice?
The one exception for me is Formula One. Even for many sports fans, a liking for F1 is baffling when the sport can often be summed up as “cars going around in circles”. There are Cricket fans who yawn at the prospect of watching it. Even as a fan I recognize that it can very often be a predictable and tedious procession. So what’s the attraction? Well, I don’t really know but, based on my experience, I do have a theory.

App Review: Pdf+
One of the appealing aspects of the iPhone is having a device in your pocket that can open various types of documents. Whether it’s to check a spreadsheet emailed from the office or to read a PDF file downloaded from the Web, there are numerous times when you’ll want to open a document without carrying a laptop around with you.
This functionality is available on the iPhone ‘out of the box’ so any app whose sole function is to work with PDF files (especially one that charges for the privilege), really needs to offer something special. So how does Pdf+ from mBrain Software shape up?

App Review: RSS Player
I was a latecomer to the delights of the iPod. I had several other MP3 players before and was therefore familiar with the benefits of carrying my CD collection around with me. But when I finally got my iPod Touch and started using iTunes, a whole new world opened up to me – podcasts.

App Review: AppSniper
[Andy’s the first of our new reviewers – so welcome to him, and I hope you enjoy his review! – Matt]
The success of the App Store has been one of the key factors in the continued success of the iPhone (and iPod Touch), allowing developers to fill holes in the functionality of the device and widen its appeal to more users than the base functionality alone might attract. Giving the platform a way to regularly refresh itself also helps keep the device from gathering dust on a shelf somewhere once the initial thrill of a shiny new gadget has worn off.
But the success of the App Store has led to problems of its own. With dozens (often a hundred or more) new apps appearing daily, keeping track has gone beyond the realm of the casual user. The onboard App Store application itself no longer gives the user an easy way to keep track of all the new applications. Also, with increasing competition among the developers, one or two day sales mean there are often bargains to be had but how are users meant to know?